The Alumni of SICES Degree College are spread all over the globe. Many of them  have splendid accomplishments to their credit in their personal and professional fields bringing laurels to their Alma Mater. SICES Degree College Alumni Association is a forum for the Alumni to be in direct link for the development of self and the college.

With the aim of reinforcing the bond between Alumni and the college, the association has been striving hard with the set of following objectives:

  • To keep a roster of all Alumni of the college and their pertinent data.
  • To encourage, foster and promote better relations between the college and its Alumni and  among  the  Alumni  themselves.
  • To promote a sustained sense of belonging to the Alma Mater among the Alumni by being in regular contact with them.
  • To provide a forum to establish a link between the Alumni , staff and students of the Institute.
  • To enable the Alumni to participate in activities which would contribute to the general development of the Institute.
  • To promote, in the Alumni Body, an interest in the affairs and well-being of the educational institutions of the college.
  • To guide and assist Alumni who have recently completed their courses of study, to keep them engaged in productive pursuits useful to the society.
  • To provide a forum for the Alumni for exchange of ideas on academic, cultural and social issues of the day.
  • To organize and coordinate reunion activities of the Alumni.
  • To let the Alumni acknowledge their gratitude to their Alma Mater.
  • To provide a forum for the Alumni for interaction with the college so that the college can draw upon the knowledge and expertise of Alumni for furthering the cause of college as a leading center of Excellence in the field of education.
  • To undertake all such activities as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above aims and objectives.